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Asia Green IT Forum

Asia GreenIT Forum

Asia Green IT Forum 2011

Asia Green IT Forum 2011 Conference Report
  • Date:October 27th 2011
  • Venue
    Seoul COEX Conference Room 402
  • Hosted by:Ministry of Knowledge Economy
  • Foreign Cooperated by
    Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI)

    Supervised by:
    Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association(JEITA)
    Korea institute of industrial Technology
    Korea Green Business Association
  • Report

Asia Green IT Forum 2010

Asia Green IT Forum 2010 Conference Report
  • Date:October 5th to 6th, 2010
  • Venue
    5th Room301, International Conference Hall 3F,
    6th Convention Hall A, International Conference Hall 2F,
  • Co-organizer
    (Japan Electronics and Information Technology
    Industries Association)
    (Center of the International Cooperation for Computerization)
  • Management
    Green IT Promotion Council
  • Report

Asia Green IT Forum 2009

Asia Green IT Forum 2009 Conference Report
  • Date:October 6th to 7th, 2009
  • Venue
    6th LUNA, Hotel The Manhattan 2F
    7th Convention Hall A, International Conference Hall 2F,
  • Co-organizer
    (Foundation for Asian Management Development)
    (Japan Electronics and Information Technology
    Industries Association)
    (Center of the International Cooperation for Computerization)
  • Management
    Green IT Promotion Council
  • Report
