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Privacy Policy

1. Privacy Policy

The Green IT Promotion Council (hereinafter "the Council") comprises companies primarily involved in the IT and electronics industries. The Council is involved in educational activities for energy conservation as countermeasures to global warming, as well as in activities to promote the development of innovative technologies.

In the pursuit of these activities, the Council recognizes that the proper handling of personal information it manages is an important responsibility.

For this reason, regarding personal information that could be used to identify individuals (hereinafter "personal information") garnered through the pursuit of its activities, the Council strictly adheres to relevant laws and guidelines, and manages and uses personal information in an appropriate manner.

Specifically, the Council considers information gained in the pursuit of its activities, such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, company contact information and any other information that might be used to identify individuals (including information that by itself would not readily identify an individual but, through the addition of other information, could be used to identify an individual) as subject to measures to protect personal information.

2. Usage of Personal Information

The Council uses personal information within the framework of its Articles of Establishment for the following purposes:

  1. To send Council reports and other guidance
  2. To send notices of General Meetings and Committee Meetings of the Council*
  3. To send announcements of and manage seminars, speeches and other events supported or implemented by the Council*
  4. To manage the Council's website
  5. To distribute informational materials from the Council (including newsletters, reports, documentation on standards, etc.)
  6. To handle queries and reports sent to the Council
  7. To send communications and/or distribute communications, questionnaires, etc. from the Council
  8. For other survey and communications purposes related to the management of the Council

* For example, to produce attendance lists for meetings, to distribute said lists to attendees, and to prepare name cards and attendance lists for Council-related events.

3. Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

Excluding the following cases, the Council will not make personal information available to third parties.

  1. Prior permission is obtained from the individual
  2. When the provision of personal information is deemed to be in accordance with laws and regulations
  3. When the provision of personal information is deemed necessary for the protection of the individual's life, person or assets, but the individual's consent is difficult to gain
  4. When the provision of personal information is necessary to improve public health or appropriately educate children, but the individual's consent is difficult to obtain
  5. When the Council is required to cooperate with national or local government institutions, or organizations appointed by said institutions, in the legal pursuit of their duties, but the individual's consent is difficult to obtain

Even in cases such as those outlined above, in which personal information is lawfully provided to third parties, the usage of said information will be restricted, and other necessary measures will be taken by the Council as required.

4. Management of Personal Information

Personal information gained by the Council will be strictly managed in line with the applications outlined above. In addition, the Council will strive to ensure the security of personal information through measures to prevent the unlawful access, loss, tampering and disclosure of personal information.

In cases in which personal information is entrusted to third parties, the Council will implement non-disclosure agreements, and manage and monitor the usage of said information.

5. Halting Public Disclosure, Revision, Usage, etc.

The Council will respond rapidly and within a rational scope to requests by individuals to halt the public disclosure, revision or usage of their personal information.

6. Personal Information Security Structure

The Council will implement a structure to ensure the security of personal information under the responsibility of the Director of the Management Office.

7. Contact

Following is the contact information for queries related to the handling of personal information held by the Council:

Green IT Promotion Council
Chiyoda First Bldg. South Wing
3-2-1, Nishi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, , Japan
